I hope you can answer this one, although I'm pretty sure you can. I have always heard oleander leaves were poison to humans. What I need to know is are they poisonous to livestock? Cattle and horses for example, and goats? Thanks for the help! angelblue
I wouldn't keep any where there are animals likely to want to chomp on them, however it is also amazing at times that animals often instinctively know which plants to avoid, but I'd never count on that ability to keep them safe as you don't know for sure which ones would avoid the plants and which wouldn't.
Oleander's toxicity to animals via Purdue's School of Veterinary Medicine. (short answer - yes, very toxic - the site mentions one report estimating 30-40 leaves are enough to be lethal to a horse)
Thanks all that responded. I guess that means I have to find another spot to plant that new oleander I bought this past weekend!! angelblue