Old Ornamental Cherry with problems

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by meppy, Apr 26, 2006.

  1. meppy

    meppy Member

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    Nanaimo BC Canada
    Have had said tree pruned last year (improperly I guess) with problems (see attachment). Any thing I an do save it?

    eg. deep watering, fertilising etc.

    Meppy Gardner

    Attached Files:

  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    If the new growth is a weird color it would be something going on inside the tree, likewise the small flowers. Maybe it's having virus problems, maybe this, maybe that--cherries are prone to a plethora of problems, as are many Rosaceous trees and shrubs. Failures of frequently planted sweet cherry in particular are so frequent here that an entire bulletin is available from Cooperative Extension called 'Why Cherry Trees Die'.

    If somebody happens to recognize a prevalent, curable condition from these two photos alone then you can probably take steps other than cutting it down and digging out the stump--which is probably what I would do.

    If it is herbicide injury there is potential for it eventually recovering on its own. Can't do anything for it until you find out what ails it, something that might require ordering and paying for an assorment of lab tests. Doubt you will want to bother with this. Do think you shouldn't fertilize or do anything else in the hope it might happen to do the trick.
  3. meppy

    meppy Member

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    Nanaimo BC Canada
    You dont think the pruning methology on a very old tree could be the cause?
  4. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    No. Severe topping might produce some aberrant-looking (pale-ish) shoot growth right at first, but in these views I cannot tell the tree has been worked on recently--it certainly does not look severely pruned, except for the profuse branching nearly all on the same level suggesting it was topped many years ago.

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