unfortunatly i have to move back to ontrio.... is thre an easy way to transport my plants??????? bare root or anyting, mainly oppalms banana and a few of the more popular plants
I had to help my sister move and we loaded up all her plants into cardboard boxes (no top) with plastic bags (like Walmart bags) lining the bottoms with crunched up newspaper "between" the pots to keep them from hitting one another. We loaded some t into a Ryder size truck, some in her car's backseat and my car, and off we went. The plants did just fine. As long as they are not in excessive heat, or cold, they should do just fine. The plants were watered a few days before the move so they weren't too wet. If you have any really tall plants, you can lay them on their side. If you use anything like a pickup truck for the move, you'll want to completely cover the plants securely with some type of plastic tarp or, lightweight blanket's.
Our stuff went OK last time in a moving van, and back in a tarp covered truck. Water well, wrap in plastic, or bubble wrap if its going to be really cold. That was Whitehorse-Calgary-Whitehorse, so you should be fine. Carl
as long as the plants are not exposed to the winds .. like in the back of the pick up they will be fine .. do what Blue said .. pack in boxes and stuff around them so they dont get damaged.. Marion
You can also check with a local floral shop or nursury to se if they have any plant trays that they are just going to throw away. These will hold 18 4" pots or 8 6" pots, they fit into cardboard boxes( you can ask for those too) and they make moving really easy. I work for a florist and we get tonnes of these trays in and they usually end up in the recycling so im sure they won't mind if you take some.
these are all excellent suggestions.... now, what if i want to take only a few smaller ones..... heres the kicker... on the greyhound?
I would imagine you can transport these if you pack them similarly to how people ship plants. You can wrap a damp paper towel over the soil in the pot, and wrap smaller plants with a piece of cardboard and put rubber bands around it. (I learned this from an african violet supplier. Best packing I've ever seen.) You could also find small boxes (or cut larger boxes and fold them into small boxes) and pack the plants individually this way. Good luck with your move.
If the plants are small enough to fit inside a small box that you are able to easily carry onto the bus and hold, I don't think there would be any problem...
im thinkign that they wont have a problem either. Now i was thinking, at least as far as my chamedoreas, theyre clumping. So couldnt i just carefuly take aprt a stem or 2 from the main root ball and wrap it in newspaper for the trip???
If you want to just take some stems, I would gently cut down into the root-ball with a sharp knife taking as many of the stems as you like getting as many of their roots with soil as you can. It would be less of a shock if you don't disturb the roots too much. Then, wrap the roots & soil in either in a small sandwich baggy, or plastic wrap secured with a rubber band instead of newspaper. Newspaper will act more like a sponge and could/can dry the roots out. You can wrap the fronds/leaves with newspaper though.