Okra, (Clemson Spineless) http://ohyun.notlong.com/ 27 June 2008 Okra, Clemson Spineless Two plants started indoors in March 2008, and placed in the garden on 3 June in full sun and with black cloth to increase the sun heat. Both plants have started to grow by producing new leaves. This cultivar must have warmth (75F and above) to grow. Six were planted in 2007 and were a failure, so I decided to try again this year. I like to eat the fruit raw. The flower lasts one day, then produces fruit in about four days, which is about three to four inches long. The flower is quite pretty. Apparently the plant can get quite large, so I have great expectations.
Good looking plants Durgan, the flowers are quite nice. I've always thought they were one of the nicest looking vegetable plant flowers. Heat, heat, and more heat. Our okra really kicks in and starts producing in mid july and august when it's in the 90's and the rain stops. I plant in rows and thin to about 6" apart. When you get your first fruit, take a razor and cut off any branches below the fruit- keeps plants from crowding and gives more energy to fruit growing. Make sure to harvest as soon as fruits are 3-4 inches, much more and they get tough and stringy. as long as you keep harvesting, they'll keep producing, I get a nice basket full every 2-3 days. Always cut your fruits off with a knife, keep them lower branches trimmed off and your okra will get 6 feet or more. Never ate it raw, will try. I like mine stewed with tomatos, fried, and pickled with garlic. Good luck with your plants, they are looking good!