so i have spider mites on a plant of mine, so far to combat the problem i've moved my humidifier to a spot very close to the affected plant. will this have any affect of the mites? also, what is a good way to get rid of them fast, and how did they get on my plant to begin with??? the plant is in my bedroom and the last thing i need is bugs. please help!!
i'd spritz it with water daily until they're gone. you can remove the webbing and then, once you see no more of it being created, you'll know the mites are gone. they don't like moisture at all and if you spritz the plant frequently (say every few days once the main infestation is gone), they'll stay away. adding extra humidity is also good...they're always there, it's just that the conditions were right for them to set up housekeeping (lower humidity since the heater is on now).