Please help me identify this critter. And let me know if it is dangerous in any way. She/he comes out every night to the same bush, the web gets bigger and better but she scares me.
Try searching for your spider's identity on this site:'s excellent. I know that having a large arachnid nearby can be unsettling...I've got one this summer that likes to stretch its web from my front door frame to the ceiling of the carport. Has made it a challenge (more than usual) to get to work on time..."Sorry I'm late, but I had to spend 10 minutes extracting WEB from my hair!" Anyway, try to relax. Her interest is in getting something to eat, and YOU are not on the menu! Maybe you could spend some time just watching her. Spiders are fascinating creatures. I will take a look on bugguide myself---if I find any similar spider I will let you know.
Thanks, I kept searching after I posted and have learned that she is a she, and that she is a Marbled Orb Weaver. Pretty common in Virginia. No mention on any danger so that's good news. I put her back to work on her web.