October 30, 2012 - Yellow, orange, red, blue

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by wcutler, Oct 31, 2012.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    The garden is a jumble of colour now. This posting is a jumble of colours too. First two photos are views in the North Garden. Third is the Sorbus 'Joseph Rock' near the Admin building. I think I post this every week. Its colours now are really extraordinary. I'm not sure what the last photo is - it's not in focus anyway, but I liked the background.
    20121030_UBCBG_NorthGarden_Cutler_P1350570.jpg 20121030_UBCBG_NorthGarden_Cutler_P1350572.jpg 20121030_UBCBG_SorbusJosephRock_Cutler_P1350397.jpg 20121030_UBCBG_Sorbus_Cutler_P1350473.jpg

    Maclura pomifera (I think I missed this for my thorns posting), Osmundastrum cinnamomeum, and Enkianthus campanulatus - both the red and yellow shrubs.
    20121030_UBCBG_MacluraPomifera_Cutler_P1350596.jpg 20121030_UBCBG_OsmundastrumCinnamomeum_Cutler_P1350589.jpg 20121030_UBCBG_EnkianthusCampanulatus_Cutler_P1350560.jpg

    Acer japonicum 'O-isami' are slightly different colours on either side of the path.
    20121030_UBCBG_AcerJaponicumO-isami_Cutler_P1350500.jpg 20121030_UBCBG_AcerJaponicumO-isami_Cutler_P1350501.jpg 20121030_UBCBG_AcerJaponicumO-isami_Cutler_P1350504.jpg

    In the foreground is Taxodium distichum, soon to be Bald Cypress, with Metasequoia glyptostroboides in the background. Second photo is Clethra barbinervis in the North Garden, and Aronia melanocarpa, getting prettier and tastier every week.
    20121030_UBCBG_TaxodiumAndMetasequoia_Cutler_P1350594.jpg 20121030_UBCBG_ClethraBarbinervis_Cutler_P1350539.jpg 20121030_UBCBG_AroniaMelanocarpa_Cutler_P1350600.jpg

    Daniel Mosquin sent us back to see the Stauntonia hexaphylla climbing a Red Cedar trunk. Most of the fruits are on the ground now. The ones in the first photo were up several meters. Edited - wrong name, see next posting.
    20121030_UBCBG_StauntoniaHexaphylla_Cutler_P1350625.jpg 20121030_UBCBG_StauntoniaHexaphylla_Cutler_P1350629.jpg

    Here's a spider web on Sorbus multijuga.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2023
  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Bah, I hate being wrong -- and I particularly dislike when I tell others incorrect information. Not Stauntonia, though -- that is Akebia trifoliata.
  3. Nadia White Rock

    Nadia White Rock Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    White Rock Canada
    More colors! Yellow,purple and pink leaves, purple, red and blue berries

    Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii cv. Profusion, beauty berry bush, purple colony of plants along the fence in the North garden
    Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii cv.  Profusion.jpg
    Staphylea holocarpa var. Rosea, bluddernut, native to China, North garden
    Staphylea holocarpa  var. Rosea, China, 1P02.jpg

    Alangium platanifolium, native to China, Japan, Korea, my favorite tree in Asian garden
    Alangium platanifolium, China, Japan, Korea,  3AJ1.jpg
    Photinia villosa f. maximowicziana, one of my favorites, Asian garden
    Photinia villosa  f.  maximowicziana.jpg Photinia villosa  f.   maximowicziana.jpg
  4. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Well, gosh, if all you'd said was "go to that tree and look for the blue fruits", I'd have reported it as Stauntonia anyway, as there's an easy-to-find tag right in front, seemingly on that vine, that says just that.

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