Douglas Justice's October 2017 in the Garden | UBC Botanical Garden blog is all about Hydrangea, with nice photos too. We've been finally getting to remember some of the genus names in Hydrangeaceae, and now it seems many of them are to be renamed Hydrangea. One such is Deinanthe bifida, which I posted for ID a few months ago: What white inflorescence with white stems, six petals?. I've just added some fruit photos to that thread. I thought I'd get to use the old names one last time, but Dichroa febrifuga has already been renamed Hydrangea febrifuga. Here are fruits. Douglas posted a better photo with bigger fruits, I think must be from another year. Here are some climbers that all look pretty similar to me, as we didn't have flowers or fruits to distinguish them. Pileostegia viburnoides did actually have once group of flowers way up and difficult to photograph with all that sunshine. It's directly across from the Eagle Tree. I'm guessing that these two are the same species, one just with the new name. Schizophragma integrifolium and Hydrangea integrifolia. I love it when they change the name and the sex changes.
I remember when we first time in 30/07/2013 found this rare plant in the garden with flowers, how long it took to wait and at last see these blue beautiful berries on 11/9/2013. How little was this plant!