I don't think we've ever posted this Buddleja loricata, in the alpine garden. I was more taken with the leaves. This is Disanthus cercidifolius. I was all set to do a series on pink calyces, and then I found out that the pink things really are petals on this. The pink colour in the distance is from the calyces of Heptacodium miconioides fruits. It still has flowers as well. This Rhododendron canadense has just a few flowers, which are easily lost in the intensity of the leaf colour.
Hmm. We had to get up close to them, but I don't remember noticing anything in particular now, and I've never mentioned a fragrance in other postings. Will I remember to check for this next time? I do remember thinking things in general were pretty fragrant, but that was particularly when we passed by one of the Cercidiphyllum-japonicum - Katsura, and that was from the leaves.
Oh, ok, now I think I remember that Nadia and I talked about that once, but we don't pick up on that.
Douglas Justice mentioned the smell in his November 2014 in the Garden - UBC Botanical Garden blog, so I tried again to get something off the flowers, which are past their prime now. I can imagine that I might have got a whifflet of a metallic smell, but I'd have noticed nothing if I hadn't known to seek it out.