October 13, 2012 - Halloween fruits and autumn colours

Discussion in 'Talk about UBC Botanical Garden' started by wcutler, Oct 13, 2012.

  1. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    No, not pumpkins. Dead man's fingers. Decaisnea insignis. The first photo is from the large tree near the bridge on Decaisne Trail. The young plant across the path a bit to the north isn't on my list for this location, but it has one branch with tons of fingers.
    20121013_UBCBG_DecaisneaInsignis_Cutler_P1340275.jpg 20121013_UBCBG_DecaisneaInsignis_Cutler_P1340281.jpg 20121013_UBCBG_DecaisneaInsignis_Cutler_P1340285.jpg

    Nearby is a very colourful Disanthus cercidifolius. Also in autumn colours now is the Bald Cypress, Taxodium distichum, in the North Garden.
    20121013_UBCBG_DisanthusCercidifolius_Cutler_P1340289.jpg 20121013_UBCBG_TaxodiumDistichum_Cutler_P1340300.jpg

    I don't think we ever post this Koelreuteria paniculata above the path leading to the North Garden. It's usually later in flowering and fruiting than the one near the Reception Centre, but it might be a bit ahead in colouring up for fall.

    And here's the Magnolia virginiana, still hanging on to summer with a few fragrant flowers.

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