The three trees of 'Yokihi' are in glorious bloom on W. 48th, between Columbia and Cambie at April 26, 2023, despite winds blowing off some blossoms and buds. One tree had low-hanging branches that made for a particularly easy photo shoot this year.
That first flower shot shows the hairless stems, which immediately distinguish this from 'Takasago'. These flowers are also more pink than 'Takasago', and larger. I like the buds and blossoms arrangement on the grass. It's helpful to see that the flowers will fade to white.
Just to prove that Wendy is right again, here is a contribution by the 'Takasago' on the RCMP grounds (SW, W.33rd and Heather). It is finishing its bloom at April 28, 2023, but still has the hairs for pubescent illustration.
Two of the three trees of 'Ichyio' at South Van Manor (west side of Alberta Street, south of W. 49th) are in full bloom on April 28, 2023. One tree stands welcoming at the front entrance. The other tree at the side of the building has been leaning towards the light for so long, it is growing out at almost a 90 degree angle.
The four trees of 'Ukon' in the parking lot behind the YMCA (east side Alberta/W.5oth) are in full bloom at April 28, 2023. True, there are "some pink remaining on petal backs and edges." But why are the sepals lifting off and folding back? It is too gruesome to think Prunus avium has somehow sprinkled its "recurved sepals" dust first on Yama-zakara and now 'Ukon.' At least the suckers shooting off the tree in the last photo show they are all 'Ukon'.
Slight detour on the way to Egan’s walk tonight at Mountain View. The ‘Yokihi’ on 48th and Columbia are blooming away. See them soon - they’re beautiful.
This building really likes 'Shiro-fugen.' Trees planted around the two sides of its southwest corner at Oak and W. 43rd. In bloom at April 30, 2023, with flowers showing their phylloid pistils.
It's not easy seeking perfection. For this 'Pink Perfection' you have to carefully head north on Willow Street, past W. 46 and look into driveways on the east side. Even then, the tree is shielded by other shrubbery, and hidden behind a Lily-of-the-Valley bush (Pieris japonica). It is the lighter pink to the left of the darker pink 'Kanzan.' Hard to see the "vexillate filaments" (flag-like extensions over the anthers) and recurved sepals—we'll have to seek perfection another day.
You are correct, Anne. It’s even worse seeking perfection on Cambie and 46th. Construction, traffic, wind and a tape barricade today - but I did my best to view this ‘Pink Perfection’.
I wish I read Anne’s directions earlier - would have been so much easier to find this ‘Pink Perfection' (to the left of the larger 'Kanzan') in first photo. Still blooming May 9 and I’m glad I saw it. There aren’t too many left in Vancouver.
While I was "seeking perfection" around Willow and Tisdall, 46th to 45th Ave I stumbled across this delightful courtyard of Oakridge Gardens located at 6015 Tisdall Street. There were no signs or gates discouraging me from walking in. I found what I believe to be a 'Shogetsu'. And an 'Ukon' beside it. Also a third tree with double pink blossoms. Here are the 'Shogetsu' photos:
'Ukon' at 6015 Tisdall - in the Oakridge Gardens Courtyard. 'Ukon' on the left, 'Shogetsu' on the right. 'Ukon' blossoms in the background. 'Shogetsu' in foreground. 'Ukon'
Third cherry tree in the courtyard at Oakridge Gardens, located at 6015 Tisdall Street. Not sure what this tree is - I was confused by this stage and running short of time. I had to catch a ferry. Searching for perfection is hard work. Fun, though.
'Shiro-fugen'. It was maybe easier to identify in the posting at And there's another photo a few postings later.
The warmer neighbourhood 'Whitcomb' flowers were mostly frozen in January. I decided to see if the colder neighbourhood trees escaped the damage, particularly since Willard has posted good-looking photos of that cultivar in Sunshine Coast. Well no, there is nothing to see here in Tisdall Park. Here is the best of what I saw yesterday.
There are only two trees of 'Yokihi' on the north side of W. 48th, west of Columbia; the third is gone. One is approaching full bloom at April 5, 2024. The other has just passed and dropping flowers. The bloom seems paler compared to previous years.
Of Oakridge's three 'Pink Perfection' trees, two are inaccessible due to construction closures. That leaves the one tree in the swimming pool area of Oakridge Apartments, on the west side of Tisdall, north of W. 45. It has some bark damage, but still manages to put out a good bloom, putting to shame the barely opened 'Kanzan' (at the right in the first photo). Approaching full bloom at April 6, 2024.
I read Anne Eng's last year 'Pink Perfection' posting a few days ago and thought it was a location I didn't know, so I went chasing it down today because I was in the area for Alex Downie's walk at QE Park. It turns out it's the same tree as the one posting just above, but it was so thrilling to see that I'm posting my photos too. First of all, I forgot about the tree above, just remembered the one that's hard to get to, at the south end of the property. And I wondered how Anne got such good photos when it was so hard to get to. And it was nowhere near the pool But then I found the tree Anne posted and remembered seeing it before. The flowers look so perfect right now, it was thrilling getting to see it. In the first photo, it's the smaller tree with the lighter flowers, behind the 'Kanzan' not yet really in bloom. I also went to see the 'Yokihi' on 48th, one each way from Columbia. Speaking of Columbia, next week, drive down from 41st to 46th or 47th, looking east. There must be several hundred 'Kanzan' trees on most of the blocks east of Columbia. It's already exciting and they're not really in bloom yet. Here is the 'Yokihi' east of Columbia. I thought they had lots of colour. It's the perfect time to see them. This one is a little behind the other, has more pink in the flowers. It looks very nice from two vantage points, but it has its little problems. And west of Columbia. The few open flowers on the 'Shiro-fugen' on the corner are too high for my camera.