Oak tree is loosing leaves in July

Discussion in 'Woody Plants' started by biomilieu, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. biomilieu

    biomilieu Member

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    Atlanta, GA
    I have an about 50 year old beautiful oak tree in my fron yard (don't know the species more precisely).
    Mid July it started dropping its leaves pretty massively, I am basically bagging up leaves like I would in fall.
    I am in Atlanta GA, and we had an extremely dry spring.
    I believe I read somewhere that this might be a reaction to the drought. However, I don't want to take any chances. If the tree is dying it would be threatening my house or my neighbors...
    Any thoughts on this?
  2. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    An oak tree should not be dropping a lot of leaves in Atlanta in July. I would consult an arborist to check on the tree ASAP. Large trees, which we would not normally water, need to be watered during a drought. And to get water to the roots it is usually necessary to allow water to soak in for a long time (like overnight).

    Evergreen magnolia trees do drop their leaves in learly summer, but it seems unlikely that you would confuse one with an oak.
  3. Dixie

    Dixie Active Member

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    Arkansas, USA
    dropping green leaves or dropping drying yellow/brown leaves? post a picture so we can see what is going on and to identify type of oak.
  4. jdon

    jdon Member

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    I have the same problem. There are three red oaks in my front yard. Each is in excess of 50 years old and they are spaced 15 -20 feet apart. I have never had any problem with them until recently. About 3 weeks ago the middle tree started losing leaves. They don't turn brown and fall off as normally happens in the autumn. They are still green, although not fresh. Any ideas? The other 2 red oaks in my front lawn, plus 2 behind the house and one white oak all see to be fine.

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