Help! I am a complete novice at gardening but have decided to have a go at a container garden. I have just purchased an Acer Palmatum Shaina and would like to know what size container it needs. Do I put it in a container for life or change the size as it grows? Its about 2ft high and seems to be leggy I am not sure if this is because its the way it grows or that it was inside a garden centre and therefore trying to struggle for light. No laughing please, I told you I was a novice. Any advice at all would be appreciated. Thanks in advance... The Nut
Don't worry, we don't think you're a nut case! :-) Shaina should grow into a dense, shrubby dwarf. Just give it some time. I would personally re-plant it in a pot 1 or 2 sizes up from its current pot. The soil in pots has a relatively short useful life before it is depleted and needs changing. By slowly potting the plant up as it gets larger, it gives you the opportunity to change out the soil regularly. If you plant it in its "final" pot, much of the soil will be wasted, and it will look funny to have a small plant in a large pot. Once your tree does get to the point where you've put it in its final pot, you will have to periodically take it out, prune the roots, and refresh the soil in the pot. Sounds scary, but its not. This is a simple procedure, and plants are amazingly forgiving. Regards, K4
Thank you Kaitain, Kinda makes sense when you say it like that. I didnt know you could cut the roots though, that sounds mean. I can hear the laughter form here. I knew I should have just bought plastic flowers and cheated. Just wait til I start bugging the Corylus lovers about my other new garden friend.. my Corkscrew Hazel 'Red Majestic'Hazel which I know equally nothing about. Seriously thanks again The Nut
I've posted the link before, but I'll post it again because I think this PDF generously offered free for download from Mountain Maples is a great place to start!:
Thank you Paxi. Great link. Theres more to this green fingered thing than I imagined. One thing I have learned from the information in that link is that my Acer and me have something in common.. we are both dense. Nut