Don't have any additional info, just that it's meant to be bonsai because of that central cut. I'll google additional caring instructions, but if you know any good source I would be much grateful.
Thank you. What's that "ginseng" addition in Ficus microcarpa ginseng? And is this one ginseng? Sorry, I'm layman in this.
'Ginseng' is not part of its botanical name. However I think 'Ginseng Ficus' is one of the many common names for this plant.
"Ginseng" is just a marketing thing -- it means that the plant is a stump that has been allowed to resprout. The name comes from the (very vague) similarity of the stump to a ginseng (Panax spp.) root. Otherwise, "ginseng" has nothing to do with anything, and the plant is still only a funny-shaped Ficus microcarpa. It's also not really a bonsai, in any meaningful sense. Marketers have ruined that word too, because they realized people will pay more for something called a bonsai, whether it's a bonsai or not. Having said all that, F. microcarpa is a perfectly nice plant, and I like mine. Care is basically the same as for the regular "ficus tree" (F. benjamina). The main difference between the two is habit: F. benjamina branches tend to arch downward as they grow, while F. microcarpa branches keep growing vertically. The leaves are also a bit thicker on microcarpa. If you want to see what your plant can do, repot it to a slightly bigger pot whenever the roots fill the pot it's in (this will be something like every 9-12 months, if it's getting enough light and water). My "ginseng" went from a 5-inch pot and maybe 8 inches tall in 2009 to a 12-inch pot and 3 1/2 feet tall in 2013. And I wasn't even taking particularly good care of it.
Sorry for bumping this thread, but could you give me some tips on pruning? Is it necessary to do it and what would I get from it? Should I trim upper branches and concentrate on lower part or maybe wait for new leaves on them? Here's an additional photo if needed: