NOT AGAIN – please - it’s the lucky bamboo !!

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by gladi34, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. gladi34

    gladi34 Member

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    wembley, London
    Mine have been in water for the past 9 months.

    I have tried having a few of them during the last few years.

    The first one lasted around 10 months – turned yellow and died off

    The second batch – was purchased after a lot of research and so they got

    - a change of bottled water every week (as it advised not to use tap water)
    - a liquid fertiliser once a month
    - a change of location once in three weeks (window seal / inside table)

    Some say it lives in water for long. I planted 5 in soil 4 died one is doing ok – but not growing as fast as the one in water.

    I read in one site that is you leave it in water for long it will eventually die. So now I am wondering – should I transfer them all to soil as one of them have already turned yellow ?? Can I do it now ??

    Any help to avoid another bunch of yellow bamboos will be very much appreciated.
  2. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    Dracaena sanderiana (lucky bamboo) Not a bamboo at all.

    I don't think this plant was meant to live it's life in water, and for some, have turned to mush after a period of time, some being in water longer then others.
    I had one in water for almost a year, and another one in water for a little less then that, both have since been moved to soil, planted with Syngoniums which have semi moist soil at all times. It's been a couple seasons since the move. The best time to move anything I would think would be spring.But if you really want to move them now, make sure the soil is well draining and the light is right.

    Make sure the soil is quick draining. You can add something like Perlite to the soil to help lighten it up.
    I have reg hard water from the tap and haven't had any problems while in water, or with watering them in soil.

    Make sure they get bright light but not direct sun which will yellow the leaves.

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  3. gladi34

    gladi34 Member

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    wembley, London

    Sorry about the long silence !! I have cut them in half and potted them in soil two weeks ago (cactus soil).

    The bottom with the roots are turning yellow and the top bits looks ok at the moment.

    Cant do much about sunlight as its 1C outside here and we had a snow storm etc this week!!

    I am keeping my fingers crossed now -- in door gardening is so much tougher than I thought !!

    I am still learning the basics and its getting more and more frustrating with the freak weather.

    Thanks for all you advice I hope I can upload a picture like yours soon :)


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