i moved into my current residence last august, and there was a huge rose bush beside the stairs that was covered in lemon-scented pink flowers. the bush was about 3 meters tall, and growing everywhere. there was also what looked like a crab apple growing in the rose bush. in autumn, i trimmed the rose down a couple feet. this spring, the bush put out a few flowers, but now there arent any. the leaves are green, but do look slightly withered, and i found white dust on a few leaves. i water every few days, and only to root area not the leaves. the crab apple is growing a ton, sending out branches everywhere. is it possible that the crab apple is taking over and the rose roots are not able to compete to get its nutrients? should i cut down the crab apple? i havent added any fertilizer to the area, should i and what should i add? i dont want the rose to die b/c it is so beautiful! please help Liza
more info the rose bush is looking worse. the leaves have all become withered, and many have black or yellow spots. what is wrong? i have attached photos
Hi Liza the white powder may be Powdery mildew you can spray with 1 ounce of crystal washing soda to 1 gl of wter with 1 tsp of liquid dish soap. The black spots and yelowing leafs is black spot disease. Out side of cutting off affected areas and cleaning the beds .(Burning the debris is the best choice.) Once the spots show up there is no saving the leaf. and the blooms will be poor as the plant is trying to produce more leafs. This time of year you can use a variety of fertilizers (best to check with a local proffesional not summer staff.) In the spring and fall I prefer to use grain fed horse manure (about 3 to 6 inches each time). Check your area for a rose growers assoc. Also keep in mind that you will need to keep the Crab happy as I am sure if you check it will have the same probs. Oh forgot to ask is the Crab forming a canopy over the roses? There are lot of good websites for the problems you are having hope these ideas help Regards Doug