I have a ficus plant that I've had for five years. It was a mere sapling when I purchased it, and with loads of care, it is now about five feet tall. But, the top two feet of branches are drooping. I recently (within the past month) re-potted it (I brought it outside to avoid a mess), and last night, I found little (1/4 an inch) dark brown nodules and little spider webby things all over the upper portion of the plant. I'm totally grossed out, and want to do what is best for my plant. I don't know if I can handle picking these little nodules off. I thought about taking it outside and spraying it with the hose, but it's so cold outside, I'm afraid I'd shock the plant. I don't know what these things are, but, I want them gone. I think they're killing my ficus. Any suggestions?? Amy
Do scale bugs have an odor? I'm not getting much help from this forum thus far, so I'm going to try this again. I have a five-year-old ficus. I think it has bugs on it. A picture is attached. Do you know if these are scaley (or is it scale) bugs? Do said bugs have an odor to them? Something smells awful near the plant, but I can't determine what it is. It just smells awful.
The brown bumps are scale. Spider mites are also likely present if webbing is present; over time the leaves will acquire a mottled look. Both can be treated using insecticidal soap. The adult scale (bumps) should be removed prior to treatment. Be sure to repeat the treatment as indicated on the label. The smell is something else you have to follow up on.