So I got this plant from my mom, who inturn got it from my grandma, and have never had a name for it,I've searched and searched everywhere for it, and yet to no avail. I know its a type of philodendron, other then that it eludes me. Its leaves get massive, almost a ft long, and the base of the leaf eventually gets flat, instead of it curving in twards the stem. I hope this is enough pictures to id it. Also I do hope I am putting this in the correct area. Thank you Syd
I don't have an answer for you but you may find the following site of interest: Exotic Rainforest private botanical garden Rare tropical plant and aroid collection Since it relates to your question, you may want to look through the vast pool of information on this page in particular: Natural variation within Aroid and other plant species. Exotic Rainforest rare tropical plants