I have an Asian pear tree about ten years old which I grow as an espalier. Trouble is, it ony bears two or three fruits a year (or not at all). What could be the matter?
Is there another Asian pear tree nearby? They really need another (of a different variety) for good pollination.
sometimes you need to fertilize in the winter to give them strength. and also have another tree same to polinate good
We have an asian pear also. Had the same problem until we removed it from the clay soil and placed it in a large pot with good soil, good drainage etc. This year it has a bumper crop. Has grown over a foot from last year. Seems much happier when its feet are not wet and sticky. Lots of bees on it in the spring, with lots of blossoms. Have no idea where another one is to cross pollinate with ours, but wherever it is this year will be a good one. May have to move it to a larger pot in a year or so, but until then it is easy to control the water and food it gets.
Hello Buzzbee, I read your reply on Asian pear. Your Asian pear is in a pot?, Is it outdoors even in winter? Here in Windsor Ontario, I don't know if I can do that. I did grow my asian pear from seed, Maybe, I have to take my pot- Asian pear indoors for the winter, it get too cold here. I wonder if there's any one in Ontario, who have grown Asian pear outdoors and survive after the winter. Good luck, Homestaymom
Homestaymom sorry for the late reply had problems with my pc. Yes the asian pear is in a pot, a large pot and it stays outside all winter. I purchased it when it was about 3 feet high already, so it was used to being outside. The winters here on the coast are not usually very cold, although this past winter was very wet and we had a few days of minus 11, not usual for the city. Buzz