This magnificient bloomer has produces a show for the last three years. The number of flowers is truly remarkable. It is in a bed with a multi-blue clematis, which has finished blooming.
Beautiful Clematis pictures - my wife and I are starting to love Clematis as much as we do Roses, such an amazing variety of them. Here is one of our newly planted Clematis beside a City of York rose, they blend so well in such a variety of settings...
Suddenly going around a corner and seeing a full blooming clematis is a delight. They always seem to stirrith the blood a little.
Durgan, your photos of Niobe look as if they were taken in my garden. Niobe certainly is a magnificent clematis. I have been growing clematis for many year and now have about 30. I would grow more if I had the space. My other floriferous favourites are Prince Charles (one of the few true blue clematis), Duchess of Edinburgh, Nellie Moser and Henryi.