Hi I am wondering the names of my house plants. I am also wondering about tge care and lighting conditions. Right now I keep all plants in sunlight but would like to distribute some throughout the home if possible. Some of the plants seem to need water more so than others. Please Help Me!! Thank You, Dawn
My guesses are: 1. Haworthia fasciata, Zebra Haworthia 3. Saintpaulia sp., African Violet 4. Aeschynanthus radicans, Lipstick Vine 5. Tradescantia fluminensis 'Variegata', Variegated Wandering Jew
i believe #2 is a Episcia ... it is a member of the African Violet family .. u can search it on the net to see if it is ... Marn
by the looks of it... the variegated wandering jew looks like it is in a glass with no holes..i would get it in a regular pot .. and a window with morning sun and it will grow fast.. Marn