Newly Planted Weeping Cedar turning yellow

Discussion in 'Gymnosperms (incl. Conifers)' started by slipstream, Jun 2, 2006.

  1. slipstream

    slipstream Member

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    Anmore, BC Canada
    Hi everyone

    I recently planted 2 new Weeping Cedars from a nursery about a month ago. They are about 12-14' Maybe taller. They were both planted in new landscaping beds that have good new topsoil. One is yellowing QUITE badly.. about 40% up the tree yellowing from the trunk out.. worse the farther to the ground. The needles so far have not turned brown. The other try is doing abit better.. there is some yellowing but nothing compared to the first one.

    Any ideas? What should I be doing? Will the yellow just turn brown and fall off, leaving my tree looking dead?

    Could it be root damage / stress from the transplant? I wasn't overly impressed with the clay mudball of a rootball it had. Didn't really have many roots. This all started off after the warm spell we had a few weeks back in Vancouver. Was I not watering enough? Not getting down to the rootball?

    I have planted 3 others since last summer (5 in total with these 2) The rest are all doing fine so far.

  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Yes: root rot, drought or root loss. Anything that disables the plant from keeping the whole top supplied with water.

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