newbie,here,,question about crab apple tree

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by Sandra1, Aug 27, 2006.

  1. Sandra1

    Sandra1 Member

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    Il.Perrot, Quebec
    We moved to our new house 13 years ago, There was this tiny little tree in the back,,beautifull when it bloomed,,then came the small crab apples.. It seems the last couple of years it has bloomed ok(thin though,not thick as usually),but no apples and once all the blooms die off the leaves turn yellow and the whole thing looks like it is thin, sick and dying.Also the bark is peeling off. Could anyone tell me the problem and if it is sick what I can do.. I've sent a picture for you to see,,this is when it first bloomed this spring,,looks healthy,but thinned out and you can see the bark is stripping too...
    Thanks Sandra

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  2. shelli

    shelli Active Member

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    Connecticut, USA
    I have two crabapples which are very old and huge. They start full and thick each spring and lose most of their leaves by late summer. I've been told that if I spray them with a fungicide that the leaves won't yellow and fall, but I prefer not to since it can be toxic to humans and I have a little one. The tree does better when it's not stressed by drought, the bark does peel, but the tree comes back year after year. It tends to bloom extensively every other year. Many people like to prune them so they are shaped like ornamental trees. I don't know if this helps reduce leaf drop or not because the trees end up with so few leaves after the pruning anyhow. I prefer to let mine go wild so that they make huge beautiful pink puff balls in the spring. My trees have lost branches from time to time, but don't die. I'd suggest you have a local arborist look at the tree if you think it's dying. It may just have the same "fungus" problem that mine have.
  3. Sandra1

    Sandra1 Member

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    Il.Perrot, Quebec
    Thanks Shelli,
    The leaves on my tree seem to start to fall right after bloomoing and I haven't had any apples for a while.I think that is what I will do. Get someone in to take a look.. Still asking for some advice though..I wonder if it is a fungus of some sort if it will spread to other trees..I have a red maple and a regular maple we planted a couple of years ago..Still baby's to me. They are thriving though, no sign of anything being wrong with them..Thanks for your reply..
    P.S. Where I live it is banded to use any cemical substance!
  4. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    If not a disease-resistant cultivar mildew, scab and rust are all possible.
  5. 4moreaction

    4moreaction Member

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    Algarve, Portugal
    ...i'd be seriously concered if this happened to our crabapple... =(... since - at least - here in scandinavia these trees tend to be quite healthy and vigourous... that peeling of the bark is strange also - especially if it happens as long strips vertically!

    You should get a competent arborist to look at your trees, so you know what is the right thing to do...

    good luck!!
  6. Sandra1

    Sandra1 Member

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    Il.Perrot, Quebec
    Thank you for your thoughts,,we cut it down some this fall before winter and if it doesn't come back in the spring and summer we are just going to cut it down all together,,Tired of the little apples,,although we haven't gotten any for awhile,, kids like to climb in it,,but to me if just doesn't seem as health as it should be. Thanks again.

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