New to Gardening here in B.C.

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by wanabe gardener2, May 5, 2008.

  1. wanabe gardener2

    wanabe gardener2 Member

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    Surrey, B.C. Canada
    I am totally new at gardening. I have a small patio area where I can grow some plants in containers. As I am new to B.C. (South Surrey Area), I am not sure what would be the best plants to use in containers. What type of work is needed to keep them alive (I have not developed a green thumb yet!). Can any plants remain outside all winter. I have cats who will eat them or dig them up if I brought the plants inside the house. I'm very excited about planting my own flowers or shrubs. Can you give me a quick lesson?
  2. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    There are many plants that can be grown in pots outdoors, year-round in BC. If you are not experienced, it may be best to go to a good nursery and have a look. Have the people there show you some of the easy to grow plants for our area (make sure you start with some easy plants, so you don't get frustrated). They can also set you up with the right soil and pots for your choices.

    There are so many types of plants one can grow, I would not know where to begin in making suggestions. If you have some particular goals, people will probably have recommendations for you.
  3. wanabe gardener2

    wanabe gardener2 Member

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    Surrey, B.C. Canada
    Thank you so much Eric. I will do as you suggested. I'm quite excited to get started.

    Best Regards,
    Wanabe Gardener2

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