Found these growing in my front yard mostly in pine straw. the caps are about the size of a quarter to a 50 cents piece. Anyone know the identification? There's bunches of them!
Hey Butch, A lot of folks are asking for IDs on LBMs or little brown mushrooms. Probably most of them are hoping to have found Magic Mushrooms. There are a lot of look-alike mushrooms that are deadly, so you'll have to cut folks some slack if they don't want to be part of the opinions that get the things put in someone's mouth. For my part, I wouldn't mind finding some magics, but I've never been confident enough about my LBM finds to eat one. To quote Clint Eastwood, "Do you feel lucky ?"
They don't look like any magic mushroom that I know, but it does ring a distant bell. Perhaps gymnopus or marasmius. I KNOW I've seen this mushroom, and it's bugging me that I can't retrieve it from my memory.
Good call Stilbella - Now that you mention it, they do look very Gymnopus/Collybia or Marasmioid. Looks white-spored somehow. I bet the tough stalk (unless is just dried out?) and terrestrial habit will be the things that sort out what it is. I can't get Matchmaker to launch today otherwise I'd give that a whirl for sorting this out.
I'd say that Gymnopus is a close match taking in account the terrain, (pine & decaying matter, at woods edge-not growing in grass). Although there are some rather distinct differences. The caps were dry,slick but not sticky or slimy. The stalk is the kicker...looking like Velvet foot, purplish with hairs, thin and slender, somewhat brittle. Dispersed and random. No vail. This one has me stumped!!!