New Roots

Discussion in 'Conversations Forum' started by haggis, Feb 26, 2005.

  1. We're planning to move to Nanaimo from Alberta. Having a great garden and growing a lot of veggies is important to us. The climate in Nanaimo is very different from that in Edmonton. Can anybody recommend books or other sources of information to help us make the transition? Thanks very much.
  2. jimmyq

    jimmyq Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada.
    sunset western garden book is always a good start. then go see the folks at Art Knapps in Naniamo, or Long Lake nurseries. they are familiar with the local weather and climate and should be able to help guide you to garden prosperity.
  3. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

    There are a number of very active gardening clubs in the local area, as well. I have friends that live in Bowser (an hour's drive north of Nanaimo) who've been very impressed by some of the plant sales hosted by the gardening clubs. Since at least some of the plants at these sales is "surplus" from members' gardens (i.e., it grows like a weed), you can almost be assured that at least some of these plants will successfully grow in the local area.

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