Hello, I was thrilled to come accross this site while searching the internet for some ideas on planting shrubs in containers! My husband and I bought our first house in Vancouver a few years ago and have been busy re-creating the garden in our backyard. We are both new to gardening and are learning all of the time! It's been a lot of work, but in the last year and a bit we've begun to see some of the fruits of our labour! Our garden is somewhat formal in nature with a symmetrical layout that incorporates boxwood parterres, a shrub border and perennial beds. We just purchased two large concrete urns (to go in the centre of each parterre), in which we would like to plant shrubs- ideally evergreen with spring or summer flowers. Our colour palette is primarily whites, purples, blues, celedon and, of course, the dark greens of our boxwoods and other shrubs. The location is hot and sunny. Any suggestions?
Welcome to the Forums Cate. That sounds like a beautiful garden, a nice place to get hooked on horticulture. You may want to search the Forums for info on what plants to choose and you can ask specific questions in the various forums. Happy gardening!