Hi there, I have a newish lemon tree that has lots of fruit (seemingly growing well) but the new growth is partly yellow and leaves curled. I'm concered the tree might have mites (but I'm not sure). I did see an actual spider on it (but it was clearly visable and just a tiny spider). I also included a photo of one mature leaf which is a bit dirty looking (and I was able to remove some dust). Any advice? Its in a warm location with lots of light (its potted) and its not overwatered.
I don't see the usual stippling damage that would be caused by mites. It does look like it could use some nutrients, have you fertilized it? If not, then you probably should give it a fertilizer high in nitrogen and having micronutrients. Something like Miracle Gro would work fine. Also, if it is in a soilless mix you may want to give it a bit of bone meal, gypsum, or lime so that it gets a bit of calcium. Another suggestion is to spray the leaves with some water - this knocks off small pests and cleans the leaves. Be sure to not use hot water and not too strong a spray...
Thank-you! I did fertalize it (with a citris specific fertilizer) a few weeks ago, maybe I'll give it a second round. I'll start spraying the leaves with room temperature water on a more regular basis!
Check the label on the fertilizer. If it does not contain calcium be sure to add some. Most fertilizers do not have any.
I have a question. Would an infusion of cuttlebone benefit my tangerines? What I'm thinking is to pulverize pieces left by my parakeets, then mix into water. Good idea? Dopey or not? If worth a try---then how much cuttlebone to how much water? What is a toxic amount of calcium---and how do I measure this? Or---better to add powder to soil than to water? Opinions appreciated!
Never heard of adding cuttlebone, but probably similar to bone meal. I don't think you can possibly add a toxic amount, but there may be side effects if a huge amount. You may want to stick to bone meal guidelines. Do a google search for bone meal, here is one example result: How to Use Fertilizers-Bone Meal