Even almost all trees are now with fruits, some of them are prepared for flowers or have second bloom. We are still waiting for Tetradium glabrifolium, Schefflera delavayi, Skimmia × confusa 'Kew Green' in bloom. And not only Heptacodium miconioides(Seven's sons) is in bloom right now. Lagerstroemia fauriei outside of garden just opened a few flowers, not much yet, but for exotic and not native tree it is a sign that it can survive and bloom in our climate I love Alpine garden! There is always something what I have never seen before. Baccharis pilularis ssp. consanguinea and Vernonia gigantea, the tallest and most impressive one right now in the North Garden (Aster family) Cypella herbertii, Watsonia wilmaniae, Watsonia fourcadei (Iris family) Muehlenbeckia axillaris, creeping wire vine from New Zealand, Tasmania(Knotweed family) Ephedra chilensis from Chile with fruits(Ephedra family) Yellow salvia,tag says Salvia cyanescens but when I looked on Internet flowers of this sp. are not yellow
That must be the blue thing behind it. I wasn't paying much attention after you complained about how sticky the yellow one was.
The yellow one looks like Salvia glutinosa - it is in bloom here now, and the description of it being sticky would fit. If so, then the large leaves in the photo belong to it, and the smaller leaves to the blue-flowered one. The blue-flowered one is certainly not Salvia cyanescens (no matter how confused the internet record is for this one)... it looks like Salvia pratensis? Mine finished blooming long ago, however they would rebloom if cut back...
Thank you everybody! I was really shocked how sticky was this plant, I had to go to wash my hands after touching it.