Hi guys! I've just ordered a black arum lily bulb, but I have no idea what conditions it will want, or what to do with it! I'm planning on potting it, but what's the best pot size, and what media would it prefer? Also, can they be indoor plants or will they need full sun?
Ok, I'm assuming you're talking about a black Zantedeschia cultivar.... Fairly sandy, well-draining soils and full to 3/4 sun are ideal - if you have a bright window, you can put it there, but since you're in Sydney it can also go outside with no problem. I grow whites, in 3/4 sun, outdoors and have never tried to pot them up. Pot size will be determined by tuber size - when it gets to you, put it in a pot that gives it about 4-5 cm of space on all sides of the tuber. Water when the soil is dry about 5 cm down. In my experience, when you've got a good climate Zantedeschias are almost foolproof. I could never get them to grow in Canada, but now I've got about 30.
It didn't have a botanical name on the site I ordered it from. Can we link to sites selling bulbs???? I could link it, but don't know if that's against you guys rules.
Yup, link it. If they have pics of the grown plant it will be easier to ID. Sold as Arum Lily, it could be any of Zantedeschia, Arum, or Calla, and it could also be any other aroid with attractive flowers; sometimes Anthuriums are sold (shudder) as arum lilies.
I wouldn't be a Calla botanically, as in Calla palustris. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calla It could certainly be a plant with calla for a common name, that is a Zantedsechia.
Which, as I recall, is what I assumed at the beginning here.... I'm waiting on the link to see what it actually is.
Whatever your intended meaning, what I was addressing was that you listed three genera together, only two of which are also common names - and you capitalized them all as though referring to the genera. And since calla is a common name for Zantedeschia, it would additonally appear that you were referring to the genus Calla - common name calla listed after genus name Zantedeschia being redundant in this instance. Not a big deal, but I wanted to clarify.
Here's the link: http://www.ausgardener.com.au/Black-Arum-Lily-pr-906.html Haha, Lorax that anthurium misnaming IS scary! Even scarier is that it sounds like something I'd fall for......
That's an Arum; Ron is most probably correct on the species. Treat it like a terrestrial Anthurium and it will do just fine.
^ Believe it or not they're 50c more there. Although I'm the first to admit that I'm an idiot when it comes to shopping. I like, I buy. Regret later...... Oooh, those Bulb Express might be dearer, but look at the varieties!!!! A fool and their money.......... http://www.gardenexpress.com.au/
Oh good they are near enough to pay a visit. Nice plant. If it grows at Toolangi it will be fine outside where you are. Liz
You are absolutely correct, I received the bulb today and that is its botanical name. I'm still scared of hurting it, though........
Don't be they grow in the paddocks down here for people to be able to on sell to you :))) Put it in a nice big pot and it will be safe. Liz
Thanks Liz! Does it have any special likes for potting mix? I've just made up a huge barrel of pottting-seed soil/perlite/coir-peat/sand for my oriental lily's and iris' would it be happy in that? From what I've heard they like moist conditions, this might suit? I'm a newbie, so please excuse me if I'm off track.
Nope that would be fine. Just don't get them soggy because I think that will rot them. Here they grow them in the red mountain clay soil that is usually on a slope. Just make sure it does not cook in the pot if you have it in an all day sun position. I usually have one pot inside the other. However since you are so water logged up there this year :)))) [no comments about Melbourne's lovely weather] they will be ok in a large pot. Make sure you ask anything you need. There are several from Oz north of you and I am outside Melb. in the hills. Liz Just had a look they don't mind water so long as they don't dry out
Hmmm.......... In deeply funny news I don't know how suitable this will be as a houseplant..... Apparently they give off an, um, odor. And to quote the plant description that came with the bulb: "fragrant" flowers. I think the quote marks might be a gentle hint!
Well, its in a pot. I used a 16cm/6" terracotta pot and a combination of seed potting mix/fine orchid bark/course perlite/coir-peat. I ended up potting the bulb in sideways since I couldn't figure out which way was up! Hopefully it knows....... I ended up giving the sand mix a miss. It might be fun to experiment on the cheap and easily obtainable lily's and iris', but since I was planting some outright expensive amaryllis bulbs as well, I figured I'd better stick to something safe.