I keep a page of Acer pictures and information on my Rhododendron site in the hopes of encouraging rhodo fans to 'branch out' and add some variety to their gardens. I jus put up 9 new entries, for a total of 54 trees, if anyone is interested. Bill Spohn Vancouver Rhododendron Society
Gosh Bill, where do you find the time? ;) Gomero I suspect this might be Bill's link: http://www.rhodo.citymax.com/maples.html, Bill correct if I got it wrong. Very nice, but how about some pics of some of the other non-palmatum maples? BTW maples aren't companion plants. Rhodies are companion plants. :) cheers, -E
ahh thanks for posting! maybe this will convince me (a young japanese maple fanatic )to branch out into rhododendrons! actually, if you have any pics of great rhodo/maple combinations, would love to see them.
Sorry I forgot the link - points to you for finding it! There are a couple of non-palmatums - a tschonoskii ssp. koreanum and a Shirasawanum Aureum, but that's about it for non-palmatums in my garden at the moment. Tell you what - I also have more than 30 magnolias - maybe I should find time to add a page of them. As for rhodos as companions, I am nudging 1000 of them right now, and they are definitely my main focus. What they are is the lower (generally) stratum in the garden, while most of the Magnolias are upper, and Acers cover the whole range from low to upper.