Neighbourhood Dogs

Discussion in 'Garden Pest Management and Identification' started by pirhan, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. pirhan

    pirhan Active Member

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    British Columbia
    These are certainly pests for me.

    I live in a neighbourhood that is not fenced. Due to the space, size and layout, it's not quite feasible to put a fence in. (Plus it would be quite expensive.)

    Anyhoo, there are at least two dogs that like to use our lawn as their toilet. Though I am more of a cat person, I don't mind dogs. Today I gave a friendly pat to the neighbours dog.

    Then he pooped on my lawn.

    While I watched in horror.

    I need to know what I can put down that is natural/organic on my entire lawn (50 feet by 40 feet and along the side which is another 50 feet by ten) that will put a stop to this immediately.

    I also have have another dog (there's three delinquents in total) directly beside me. This evening my cat was out on his leash, completely minding his business on the far side of the lawn and the dog from next door ran after him chasing my poor cat inside. He then proceeded to mark his territory on my lilacs. I need something that will nip this territorial thing in the bud because this is ~my~ lawn and my cat enjoys having time outside. (The cat has already gone to the vet because he was chased up a tree and pulled his nail out. It took a good week for him to get the courage to go out again, even with me holding him.)

    The neighbour directly next door knows about his dog chasing my cat. He has a cat and we're not sure what's up with why his dog doesn't like mine. He has been quite nice when he knows I have my cat out that he'll take his dog inside. But, I'm not going to go knocking on his door each time I want to put my cat out. I really believe this is a territorial thing (as per the marking and grunting after the chase) and I think if I can deter the dog from thinking my lawn is his lawn this situation will go away.

    I also believe one of the neighbours cats has used my garden as a litter box - I could use some help with that too.

    For the other two dogs, as I just moved in, I do not know them well enough and I am not the most tactful person in situations such as this. I have seen them at all since I moved in so I am not comfortable confronting them.

    Any help and tips on this I will be so greatly appreciative. (And my grass... tulips... lilacs...)

    Thank you.
  2. Liz

    Liz Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Victoria Australia [cool temperate]
    Could you take the doings in a bag and return them to the neighbour. Is there some sort of council rule that could be invoked re loose dogs. We have something here called "skunk shot" that is some sort of spray to deter dogs.
    If they were here they would be smartly told by my Maremmas who's territory it was.

  3. vitog

    vitog Contributor 10 Years

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    Burnaby, Canada
    In Vancouver and Burnaby (and many other municipalities) there are bylaws prohibiting dogs from being off-leash outdoors, except in specified areas. Doesn't Ottawa have similar leash laws?
  4. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    i'd also think there are laws that require the owners to clean up their dogs droppings.

    speak with the owners and ask for their assistance - they should be monitoring the dog and cleaning up after it...if that's not provided report the incidents to the authorities.

    and i'd also take the poo and leave it on their doorstep. heh, my sis had problems with the neighbors dog going on her lawn (we have laws here about leashes and cleaning up after your pet). they'd just let the dog run and didn't clean up - she talked to them repeatedly and nothing changed. so, she finally resorted to taking the pile he left on her lawn and put it on their porch. hasn't had a problem since.
  5. maf

    maf Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Northamptonshire, England
    I'd also return the poo to the dogs' owners. If you also mention to the owners that you have seen some rats on your property and you are intending to put out some poisoned bait, I doubt they will let their dogs anywhere near your lawn in the future.
  6. Vancouver

    Vancouver Member

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    West Vancouver
    I have cats and keep two litterboxes inside for them to use. If they were going to the bathroom in a neighbour's yard, I'd really want to know so I could help stop it. I hope your neighbour will be positive and want to keep his dog out of your yard, but if he or she doesn't, try throwing a pan of water on the dog. Our next-door neighbour's dog kept coming over to our house and coming inside to where the our cats were sleeping upstairs. Twice one old cat was left bloody and hurt. I got a pan of water and threw it on the dog and now he stays away. I only had to do it once. (The neighbours always keep their dog in their yard, it's service people and friends of their twenty-something kids who don't keep as close a watch on their dog so he gets out. the dog must watch for chances to get out.)
  7. Barbara Lloyd

    Barbara Lloyd Well-Known Member

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    Anacortes, Washington, USA
    Sprinkle Cayenne peper liberally on top of the soil in your flower beds to keep the cats away. They normally do not like it! There is of course the odd ball here and there.

    Do check with your local governing body and find out what your rights are! A high powered hose end every time they get near your yard may help deter them. barb
  8. growing4it

    growing4it Active Member 10 Years

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    vancouver to langley, bc
    I'm finding cat, dog and racoon droppings in my front and back garden. ARGH!

    Cats as well as dogs need to be licenced and only taken outside by responsible pet owners with baggies to pick up waste.

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