Needing help with a cold zone (2)

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by frostbite, May 17, 2005.

  1. frostbite

    frostbite Member

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    Anahim Lake
    I would like to begin gardening at my home in Anahim Lake, BC. We have a really cold zone 2 climate and I have no idea which types of plants are suitable for this location. If anyone has any pointers for me, I'd sure appreciate any help I could find. Could you recommend any seed or plant catalogues specifically geared to cold climates? I'm searching for both plant and veggie information. What about lilacs and roses? Are there any types that could grow in this location?
  2. Hi there!

    We've gathered several literature and on-line sources to assist you with selecting the appropriate plants for Zone 2. If you require any other assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again!

    Literature Sources:
    - "Woody Ornamentals for the Praries," by Hugh Knowles, Faculty Extension University of Alberta, 1995.
    - "A Grower's Choice: Professional Tips on Plant Selection and Care for the Pacific Northwest," by Michael K. Lascelle, Raincoast, 1991.

    On-line Source:

    Here are some suggestions from "A Grower's Choice" by Lascelle:

    Roses (Zone 2):
    - Rosa rugosa "Therese Bugnet" - a rugosa rose with fragrant, lilac-pink double blooms. Has great winter interest - deep red stems and orange red hip that are held into winter.

    Climbing Vines (Zone 2):
    - Lonicera x brownii "Dropmore Scarlet" (Honeysuckle)
    - Celastrus scandens (American Bittersweet)

    Other perennials (Zone 2):
    - Most day lilies (ie. Hemerocallis "Janice Brown," "Satisfaction in Syracuse," "Stella de Oro," "Puddin," "All in the Attitude," Wine Me Dine Me." and hosta lillies (ie. Hosta "Blue Angel," "Sagae," "Gold Standard," "Canadian Shield," "Fragrant Boquet," Night Before Christmas," September Sun," " Anne Arett," and "Sum and Substance.")
    - Macleaya cordata (Plume poppy) - tall stems with nice leaf texture and colour (powdery blue finish) and creamy plumes overhead mid summer, grow vigorously and may show up where not necessarily desired.
    - Rudbeckia nitida "Herbstonne" - coneflower that likes moisture, good display of huge lemon-yellow flowers with brownish cones encircled by graceful drooping petals in July/August. Very tall - 5-8 ft tall, 3-4 ft spread
    - Geranium macrorhizum "Bigroot Cranesbill" - good border perennial with fragrant leaves that form a dense ground cover; tolerates dry shade.
    - Agastache foeniculum "Alba" (Anise hyssop) - prairie natice with wants of creamy-green flowers held erectly. Blooms in August, fragrant foliage is reminiscent of anise.
    - Many paeonias are hardy to zone 2 (ie. Paeonia "America," Festica Maxima," "Gay Paree" and "Red Charm."

    Flowering shrubs (Zone 2)
    - Rhododendron "Orchid Lights" - 3-4 ft high, 3 ft spread, profusion of lilac pink flowers mid-late season, does well in full sun. Bred specifically to be prairie hardy.
    - Rhododentdron "Northern Hi-Lights" 6-8 ft tall, 4-6 ft spread, white-blotched yellow blossoms on robust shrub, mildew resistant. Also bred specifically for colder climates

    Ornamental Trees (Zone 2):
    -Prunus cirginiana "Schubert" (Schubert Chokecherry) - has purple foliage
    - Malus "Royalty" (Flowering Crabapple) - reddish blooms and purple foliage
    - Populus trememula "Erecta" (Swedish Alpen) - distinct columnar form
    - Prunus padus commutata (Mayday Tree) - fragrant white flowers

    Winter interest trees (Zone 2):
    - Betula papyrifera (Paper Birch) - nice peeling white bark, tolerant of wet soils

    Fruit (Zone 2):
    -strawberry "Tristart," wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca), and raspberry "Boyne" are all hardy to zone 2.
    - Prunus "Evans" - hardy to zone 2-3, grows 12-14 ft tall, spreads 12 ft - a fruiting cherry tree that can withstand winter temperatures of -45C; a mature specimen can produce up to 50 lbs of flavourful, yet tart, fruit. Self-fertile and comes into bearing four years after planting.
    - Amelanchier alnifolia (Saskatoon Berry)
    - Prunus Tomentosa (Nanking Cherry)
    - Malus "Goodland" (Goodland Apple)
    - Malus "Dolgo" (Dolgo Crabapple)

    You did not mention whether your garden is in a shady/non-shady environment. However, here are some plants which are adapted to shade and Zone 2 tolerant:

    - Ostrich fern- Matteuccia pennsylvanica (M. struthiopteris var. pennsylvanica) - Zone: 2-8
    - Green mound alpine currant - Ribes alpinum 'Green Mound' - Zone: 2-6
    - Luxiant fringed bleeding heart - Dicentra x `Luxuriant` Plant Patent No. 3324 - Zone: 2-8

    Hope that's a good start for you - best of luck!
  3. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    I need to note that the above list was assembled by the garden's summer students (who were not logged in as HortLine at the time)
  4. riologie

    riologie Member

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    Kirkland Lake, ON, Canada
    I found this answer useful for gardening in Northern Ontario too.

    Suggested fragrant shrub roses are Explorer David Thompson, Explorer Jens Munk (this seems the best of all) and Explorer Martin Frobisher.

    Other perennials are:
    musk mallow - they come in white or lilac pink and have lots of nice flowers. They grow wild here.
    poppies - both oriental poppies (orangy red) and Iceland poppies (pale yellow)
    Chinese lantern - orangy red closed pod things
    Bleeding hearts do flourish and bloom in the shade.

    Chives & rhubarb grow well.

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