Hi, I would like to point out that I do not have a green thumb...the plant I need help identifying is my landlords that was in the aparment when I moved in. I hate this plant..lol... Please help me identify this plant, and if possible why it is dying haha.. Hopefully when it is identified I can then figure out how to properly take care of it. Thank you, Nicole
Yeah, really. Perhaps Mangozing is transferring his landlord-animus to the hapless sansevieria. Or maybe ditto with that name "mother-in-law's tongue"... I agree with the above posters: looks fine to me! And as for what to do with it---not a whole lot, really. Quite undemanding.
I grew up in the UK & have an abiding dislike of Sanseveria, Aspidistra, Privet hedges, Laurel (the big gloomy Victorian kind), Cotoneaster & some Hydrangeas, & of course, net curtains & string-backed driving gloves. Perhaps I needed, or still need psychotherapy? It was easier to move to Canada at the time tho'. I have now learnt to dislike Pot Mums, grafted cacti with orange blobs on top, Poinsettias that rot for months in my house after Xmas....I do need a shrink, don't I? gb
Nobody uses string-backed driving gloves here anymore, you're quite safe to come back. I think it's a perfectly healthy plant, too, and rather a nice one. But then I like cotoneasters and aspidistras, too.
One does not have to learn to dislike grafted cacti (what psycho thought THAT up?) or poinsettias. I am inevitably conflicted at holiday time...I always end up with a poinsettia given cheerfully to me by someone who says: "I KNOW you like plants, so..." Uh, thanks. Then I am saddled with it---my ethics preclude killing the thing outright, but I have no joy for the task of its tiresome husbandry. Besides, they take up valuable room which could be devoted to ferns or crotons or ORCHIDS. ---I especially dislike these new-fangled varieties in pale or blotchy colors---or, even worse, ones that have been spray-painted. Poinsettias should be RED. I agree with the laurel thing, too. When they appear in detective fiction you KNOW something bad's gonna happen. Very P.D. James. No, g.b., you don't need a shrink. You have US!
It is a mother-in-law and I also agree that there is nothing wrong with it. I have one and nothing can kill it. Just water it when the soil is dry and leave it alone. This is one plant that needs no attention. No matter what room it's in and if there is just some kind of daylight that's it.
My relatives call this a snake plant. I have one. It doesn't like direct sun and likes things on the dry side. I only water mine occasionally and it's under my back porch with southern exposure, but close to the house so it gets no direct sun. In AZ direct sun is not for any plant but the most robust! Your plant looks great!
Yes it's also called a snake plant. I also have mine in my living room which is facing south. I really wish mine looked as good. -:)