Hi, I need to find some sort of plant for a daycare setting, that could work for covering a trellis. However, it can not be a toxic plant (so not clemanis) and can not be invasive so that it will take over the yard. . . . help!
Climbing Monkshood is out then, eh? How small is the trellis? You might try a climbing Nasturtium (ie. Tropaeolum ciliatum or Tropaeolum peregrinum). A climbing rose (the kids will quickly learn about the thorns), Grapes (Vitus) or Kiwi (Actinidia)?
it's a large area that needs to be covered - so i'm assuming quite a few plants may be needed. thorns wouldn't work. . .though you are right - the kids would learn fast!
You could go with Passiflora caeulea or Akebia quintata as well - those are so non-toxic that they're edible! Akebia for sure is a fast grower and will work in your zone; I'm not sure about Passiflora in Richmond. I'll second grapes, although the fruit sett may attract wasps if you don't pick it - how high is this area you're covering? If it's higher than you can comfortably reach standing on a chair, then don't go with grapes. If you can reach the top, then absolutely go with them, they're super-fast growers and the leaves get really big so coverage isn't an issue with them. Kiwi grows a little slower but it sure is rewarding. You could also check out Vinca major (periwinkles, they're at the bottom of the page) although I think it might be on your invasive list....
the vinca would work and not be invasive if the area is fairly shaded...it doesn't seem to take off as much when not in full sun all day. even in full sun it would be easy enough to keep in check - especially if you trellis it.
That’s really a tough decision to make …to find a plant that all parts are not toxic is hard sometimes one part of the plant is safe while another part is toxic. Leaves are ok but seeds are poisonous for instance. Some plant lists will say the plant (in question) is safe and then another list says it’s poisonous. All I can say is do your research. Good-luck.. :)