Hello... Hope someone out there can give me some suggestions. I live in San Francisco, California and moved to a new place with a bare backyard 4 months ago. I would like to plant something that can be used as a natural screen that stop my rear yard neighbors from looking into my bedroom window. The problems I have are: 1. There is no direct access to the rear yard and I can only go down from the fire escape. But I still want the place to look great. 2. Because of 1, I am looking for a plant that not only grow fast but also must be evergreen with minimum leaves fall in the winter as cleaning may be a problem. 3. I live in the foggy part of San Francisco. Any suggestions will help. Thank you again.
Y2Kmei Have you found something for your yard yet? I am not too sure this will work but I am on the Park Seed Co. mailing list and in their latest catalog is Thuja Green Giant. It says that once established this tree will grow up to 3 feet a year to a height of some 50 ft. Its width will range from 8 ft to 10ft wide. It says it grows best in sun but will tolerate light shade. Has foliage from the ground up, in a pyramidal shape and is an evergreen. You might be able to find it on their website. Best part is that you do not have to train it by trimming! http://www.parkseed.com/
Terrential Man: Thanks for your suggestion. I have not found a tree yet. Friend of mine suggested Australian Brush Cherry, pineapple guava, or Camphor. I have not decided which one to plant. Will consider the one you recommended. y2kmei