Hello everyone! I'm searching for plants that I can put in the house. Ones that does not require alot of sunlight, but will grow fast. Are there any plants that will grow really fast? Also, one day I was at Home depot and there was a plant that was growing out of a rock (lava I think). I would love to purchase a few of those types of plants. Please send me the name and where I can purchase them. The people at home depot were clueless. Thanks.
Hi, I don't know for sure what the rock plant was, but I bet it was being sold as a bonsai (don't ask!), and I can tell you they require a lot of attention and knowledge, but more definitively a LOT of light, possibly expensive supplementation, so maybe concentrate on something else for now. Growing quickly in low light (and believe me even bright rooms indoors are 'low light' to most plants) is not going to happen as easily as it would if you had more light, but what might happen is that the leaves, stems, etc. of whatever you get will elongate and be straggly reaching for more light, and you might want to consider that. There are 'low light' plants out there (i.e. Maranta, some ferns, some philodendrons) and there are fast growing plants, but finding them in one place might not be easy.
You can try a draceana marginata or a draceana fragans, both grow well in low light conditions and fairly fast. Also syngonium,pothos, or german ivy will grow in low light, they are vines. aglaonemas and peace lilies are probably the best for very low light and the agleonema grow fairly fast if properly taken care of.