Hi I am a new planter and I need advice. I have a Jade Plant in a small pot that i am not sure how to take care of. If you could please post your advice here that would be VERY helpful. Thanks
In your location, you have a plant that will have to spend much of each growing year indoors. The jade is one of many varieties of the crassula family. Originally from South Africa, the jade will, surprisingly, grow in deep shade. Like many plants, however, the jade will become quite 'leggy' unless it receives relatively bright light. It can grow in full sun, but if moved from inside or shade to sun, this should be accomplished in small steps over a lengthy period of time. Soil suggestions would be somewhat sandy with fairly low nutrition, and by all means, it should be kept on the dry side. About the biggest problem with growing jades is root-rot caused by over-watering,or, poor drainage,or, high organic content potting soil, or all of the preceding. Watering rules: Lightly, then let it dry before the next watering. If, in handling, a leaf or stem is broken off, stick it in the soil and get another jade plant free. As the jade can be quite heavy for its' size, pot choice would be one that 'out-weighs' the jade to keep it from falling over. Good luck with your little (soon to be bigger) jade guy.
These are some of my plants in my " garden " If you see a baby gate it is so the cats dont get into the spider plants. you can see the leaves that were bitten off. Do ou like my jade plant? the oriental pot was the pot I had my jade in at first. but it didnt have enough drainage. sorry, about the quality. I'm not a pro. photographer!
I am also growing an orange tree. I'll take a picture and post it. in the mean time, please post info. on both jade plants and orange trees. (Yes I know I live in Ohio)
The clay pot is ideal for the jade, but the bowl you have placed that pot in is just a water trap. Should you wish to keep things as they are, put at least an inch of small gravel in the bottom of the bowl so that there is no way that your clay pot is sitting in water after you have watered the jade. Where did the orange come from? If from a seed, it probably won't come true. At best it may become just a nice "greenery" plant. It would like to have just as much light as you can give it.
Yes i got the orange tree from a seed in the orange. But it is almost 2 1/2in. high. I have it under a grow light. Is it okay for them to have a lot of water? or should i just water it like i water the jade plant?
okay thanks. I actualy cant get the picture of it until tuesday. I also want to know how to get the jade to flower, but wont do it 'til later. please give as mutch info as possible even if it's alreasy on this thread.