I have a 14 ft Sweetgum Tree that I planted 2 years ago here in Michigan. It has some kind of funky black and white nodules popping up all over it. These "bumps" range in size from that of a peppercorn to the size of a pencil eraser. They seem to turn brown and dry up as they age. Please see pictures attached. What is it??
Might be Eulecanium cerasorum, Calico Scale. Calico Scale (.pdf) Google images of Eulecanium cerasorum.
eww. definitely scale bugs. one of the few bugs that really turn my stomach. you can pick them off...which will only go so far. this is one case where chemical treatment is kind of needed. something systemic rather than just something topical - although topical will work, you'll probably need to retreat as you've got a serious infestation going.