My young grapes seem to be wilting - (see picture). Does anyone have any idea what is happening and how I might prevent it? This is the second year for my concorde grape vine. I had similar issues last year, but assumed it was due to getting settled in new surroundings. Thanks for any help!
I assumed the small green bulbs were grapes, but apparently they are clusters of flowers. From the website... "Grape blossoms (or more accurately a cluster of blossoms) are small, greenish and not much to look at. the blossoms in a cluster turn quickly in to tiny green growing grapes. Grapes are self fruitful, which means one vine can pollinate itself. That means you can get away with growing only one vine, and still have a harvest, but like self pollinating fruit trees, your crops will be heavier if you have more than one plant to assist in pollination."
There are some very knowledgeable grape growers on this site but unfortunately I am not one and can only speak from my experience. I have 30 year old vines and every year they first flower and subsequently, when the flower petals fall off, the tiny round green grapes start to form and increase in size. I do not know if my varieties are self pollinating or not as the former owner planted them but they are alive with bees while flowering. You do not say if you have had any mature grapes so far? The leaves certainly look ok to my uneducated eye and the bunches appear to look the same as mine. Hope this helps a bit and look forward with interest to replies from others. Margaret