Greetings, I am trying to help save my plant that sits in my office in a sunny spot and with poor air circulation. I have watered it periodically with filtered water and never fertilized it. I don't know what it is; I bought it at Ikea and fear it is not long for this world. Its leaves are turning yellow and/or shriveling and there is a yellow mold growing in the soil. BTW, it is still potted in the container in which it was when purchased. Thank you in advance for any advice you may have. I am wondering in particular what the plant is and how to best care for it. Kathy K. Greenbelt, MD
Looks like a Yucca elephantipes. Pot looks small for the size of the plant, and soil appears quite dry. How long have you had it? Especially recommend good, new soil. Given the mold situation, I would get rid of both old soil and pot and start afresh. Office conditions are usually not optimum for tropical plants---too cold, but even more often too dry. Watering is hard to do, especially with a big plant. Smaller ones can be toted to the sink and given a proper drink, but not feasible with the larger ones! In this situation good soil is a big help: it will retain moisture better than the old worn-out stuff. When you repot, be sure and get a nice big saucer to put under the pot so that you can water thoroughly and contain any drippage. I think that your plant may be OK if you resolve its moisture issues. Welcome to the Forum!
Thank you for your info and suggestions--I will try repotting and maybe spraying the leaves periodically to give it more humidity? Or perhaps I'll take it home and try my laundry room. I have had the plant for about 6 months. Wondering what might make a better indoor tall plant for a dry office...
The ever-popular Sansevieria, maybe. Given time these can get really tall (mine is about 5') and they can stand just about anything. How about a columnar Euphorbia? Your choice will be influenced by your coworkers and supervisor...if they are plant-tolerant, or not. I have had some of both!
Not only that, but under the right conditions it will bloom for you! Lovely flowers with wonderful delicate fragrance.
Don't get too excited. I have never seen Sansevieria bloom indoors, so was very excited to see flowers on them in Hawaii.