I have little flies that like to hang around my plants. They usually come bursting from the soil ad fly around when the plants are watered. I have tried letting the soil completely dry, but when the plants are re-watered they always make a comeback. I have been trying to get rid of them with some mosquito spray I have (that contains: Ethyl Alcohol, Deet, Aloe, and fragrance) around the plants like on the outside of the pots, but not directly on the plants to try and deter them. I don't think the spray is helping much. I tried the cup of vinegar with the plastic wrap with holes (supposed to attract them in but can't get out and drown) and I only catch a few. I read that some people wash the plant in warm water with mild dish soap and use new soil. My plants are already weakened by the flies and I do not think that they can't handle going through something like that. And, most likely, the flies would just eventually come back in my case. I read that these flies feed on the roots of the plants, and I believe the plants are beginning to really be burdened by them. I need help. Is there anything that I can buy or do to eliminate these annoying flies? I am really desperate!
Not sure if you have correctly IDed the pests yet or not, are they Fungus Gnats/Shoreflies? You could catch some on some yellow sticky cards and ID them with some pictures from Google. If that is the case, I have found that they do not seriously impair the plant's growth until they have built up enough population for you to see frass on the leaves of the plant. As for prevention of Fungus Gnats/Shoreflies, keeping the top of the pot dry only slows down their reproduction, it does not kill the adults. At work we have used a product called "Turface" to prevent their reproduction. It is a inert granular product used in the golf course industry. You sprinkly it on top of the soil and it will always stay dry, preventing your problem. Not sure if it is available where you live though.