We have a large Chinese Evergreen in a pot with drainage. It is in view of sliding glass doors, but does not receive direct sunlight. It currently has a lot of new growth. However, the old leaves keep turning yellow and then dying and they are dying faster than the new ones are coming up. At this rate we aren't going to have any leaves left. Thank you for any input.
A Chinese evergreen what?? - need to know what it is, before advice can be given! Can you post a photo?
Re: Need help (Picture of the Plant) Here are some pictures. I posted a while ago trying to figure out what it is and no one knew for sure. They just said that it was some sort of chinese evergreen. Thanks again for any help
That's normal. As new leaves grow from the top the old wones die away at the bottom. There is nothing wrong with your plant, but if you pull or cut the yello/brown leaves away it would look a lot nicer. M.