I have an indoor palm and an indoor lime tree that I notice tiniy beige bugs and a weblike substance between the leaves. What is this and how do I get rid of them? Any help would be great!
Looks like a spider mite infestation. Remove the webbing and treat with insecticidal soap and repeat as per instructions on the product label.
I have a recurring problem like that on a peach tree, dwarf pomegranates, and one of those little gift rose things. When I spray insecticidal soap on them, nearly all the leaves fall off. So far they've always come back. Have you got any other suggestions that might eliminate the concern for their survival? Carl
Insecticidal soap is safe for most plants; exceptions are usually listed on the label. The only precaution I take is to not immediately expose sprayed plants to direct sun. I believe horticultural oil can be used as an alternative but I've not used it before. There are other soaps that include pyrethrins (Safer's Trounce) and canola oil (Safer's End-All) but but I've not used them before either.
You have a major spider mite infestation. I would remove at least the top two inches of soil in case they have laid eggs. Every five days for a month, I would spray insecticidal spray or a concoction of water, a few drops of dishsoap and some rubbing alcohol. Check neighboring plants for the same problem and isolate the plant if you can while it's being treated.