Identification: Need help to identify

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by tbird, Mar 21, 2009.

  1. tbird

    tbird Member

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    boston usa
    I have a plant with thin green leaves and bright reddish-pink edges. (The photo was posted to the outdoor section earlier today in error if you want to see it.) It grows from the center and is getting too tall to look good with the other plants in the pot. Does anyone know what it is? And can you cut it short (like in half) and root the top part to start another plant?

    Also, second item: I grew a corn plant from a small table-sitting plant to a full size, ceiling scraping tree! Can the top leaves be cut off without harming the plant, and will that keep it from growing taller, or is it best left alone?

    Thanks for any help!
  2. lorax

    lorax Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Toronto, Ontario
    Both plants are Dracaenas - the one with the very thin leaves is D. reflexa. You can absolutely cut them in half and repot the crowns - make sure to let the cut pieces dry for about a day to callous over.

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