What an amazing specimen! Well, it's undoubtedly one of the epiphytic kinds of cactus, but without seeing flowers it will be hard to identify. There may be a number that are able to alternate in their branch growth between very slender, and wide and flattened -- for example, Epiphyllum phyllanthus, some Disocactus spp.
Interesting looking plant. The thread Identification: - Need plant ID | UBC Botanical Garden Forums may provide a clue to its identification.
How old is this plant, and what are it's environmental gowth conditions/ location/ temp/ sunlight???? It is so unusual, I thought it was sick?
I don't think it is a cactus. Those look like true leaves. Cactus sometimes have flattened stems that look sort of like leaves, but do not have leaves.
I found one of many cultivars...Codiaeum variegatum var. pictum f. appendiculatum 'Interruptum' listed with description. (although the cultivar name doesn't seem right to me in the Latin form). They also have listed 'Appendicula' (as having the same type leaves-with the secondary blade), at this site (also listed elsewhere as 'Appendiculatum'): http://members.tripod.com/~hatch_l/codi76.html Found a site listing a shorter name, Codiaeum variegatum 'Interruptum', but the pic is postage stamp size, so you can't make out any detail: http://www.sztechand.com/doce/zx-pz.htm Several photos of what is listed as Codiaeum variegatum var. pictum 'Purple Bell' can be seen at this site: http://www.botanypictures.com/plantimages/ Hope this helps in your search!