Hello, I rec'd some plants from a neighbor that were dying. She thought I might be able to revive them. They may have been overwatered a lot. After 2 weeks, the leaves started grwoing rapidly and now they are producing some spectacular looking flowers. My local nursery had no idea, but I'm sure they are probably commercial in origin. Any IDs or tips would be much appreciated. Many thanks in advance from a complete amateur. Cheers!
Thank you so much Bluewing. Some additional Googling for Gloxinia has provided a ton of new info! Much appreciated. Cheers!
I an such a newbie I've never grown African Violets either. Any knowledge I have is based on watching my mum grow stuff, but I do appreciate this tip! I'm almost certain these plants suffered from too much water. I'm disappointed to read via googling that these are not "year round" plants, as the blooms (with the crazy little 5 legged octopus looking bits in the middle) are just fantastic. Once the plants are truly vigorous I'll try taking cuttings and making more! Again, thanks for the tip!