I have a vine growing in my yard that I have no idea what it is. It looks to be grape, however the fruit is small and bluish purple. The vine that they are growing off of is turning a red color. I live in an area where there is many grapes, so I would know if it was a grape. The vines die completely away each winter and grow to a long length by the end of summer. This is the first year it has produced fruit, which is why I'm curious as to what it is. Please help if anyone knows. Thank you! April Henderson
The lack of production most years would be due to the dying back, a somewhat surprising occurrence esp. since you live in a grape production area. If you can't travel to where a fruit enthusiast show is being held this fall (check gardening newspapers and gardening event columns in newspapers or call county extension service) then you will have to rely on finding a well-informed person at a nearby nursery, I suppose. Take both foliage and fruit samples.
Thank you very much. I appreciate the response. I had my mom take a leaf sample to her nursery and I have yet to hear back from her. Thank you and I will post again to tell you what we found out. :) April Henderson
Perhaps it is Ampelopsis brevipedunculata. See http://www.botanik.uni-karlsruhe.de...edunculata var. maximowiczii Scheinrebe 1.jpg