Hi! My mom brought home a cactus today but, no one knows what kind it is. It would be great if you can identify it so i can learn more about how to take care of it properly. And also any tips are welcomed. Thanks in advance.
i don't think it's a cactus. it IS a succulent, though. probably something in the gasteria family. or it could be a cross between a gasteria and another succulent. any succulent or cactus needs a well draining soil and should be allowed to dry out before watering. i'd put it in cactus soil and make sure the container has drainage holes.
You'll want to watch the light for your new plant, too. Gasterias like to grow in the filtered shade of taller plants, so it could burn in high summer heat; don't let it touch the glass if you keep it on a windowsill and provide some shade if you move it outside during summer. Morning sun is great. Lovely plant. Good luck with it.