need advice... Clementine trees in house

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by khoffman, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. khoffman

    khoffman Member

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    Boise, ID
    This citrus post is coming from Boise, Idaho where two years ago I purchase two very nice Clementine trees for pots outside my house. I bring them in each winter and this winter one of them has one blossom. I am so excited about the possibility of these actually getting fruit-- something that I never considered really... (I admit-- I wonly bought them for their foliage!)

    I wonder if someone could give me some general tips about how to grow these trees. They are currently about 2.5 feet tall and wide. I did some very light pruning last year but after I am reading about the nodes needed to fruit, I don;t think I will do that again. :-)

    I am not sure what temp they like, how much light they need and how much water I should be giving them. In reviewing the tag on the plant, I see that the date on the tag is 2005. I assume that the tag date coresponds to potting, not germinating date, but can't be sure. If anyone has any advice for me, I would sincerely appreciate it.
    Happy New Year!
  2. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    The node count would be a factor if you're dealing with a seedling tree since its reduction could prevent the tree from maturing. Your trees were likely propagated using mature wood and as such are ready to bear fruit in spite of being pruned. However pruning will significantly reduce fruit production.

    I assume you're asking about winter growing conditions since the trees are placed outside during the summer. The information in this thread in an external forum may be of interest. As for watering, allow the soil to dry somewhat between applications. The usual suggestion is to water when the first couple inches of soil feels dry. Personally, I water when the weight of the pot feels light compared to when freshly watered.

    You'll find much information on growing citrus trees in these forums. The search function comes in handy. Good luck.

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